Band App is our Troop's primary means of electronic communication, including announcements, our planning calendar, monthly newsletters, camping checklists, camp meal recipes, blank health forms, a list of the Troop's merit badge counselors, pictures of Troop outings, etc. This is a private group for Troop 116 members and parents only. Once you join the Troop, ask anyone with access to send you an invitation to our Band site.
How Troop 116 Communicates
Scoutbook is our Troop's connection to the National BSA council and one important way we communicate with the Miami Valley Council. Go here to find:
Our official record of completed ranks and merit badges for your Scout.
RSVP for Troop activities
Our method of Troop email communication
This is also a private group for Troop 116 members and parents only. Once you join the Troop, contact our Advancements Coordinator to gain access.
my.Scouting is your connection to Boy Scouts of America. Go here to find:
Training for adult volunteer positions
Your BSA member ID
This website
This website primarily shares public information with prospective Troop members and parents. We are phasing out the members-only section and moving that content to the Band app.